Fucking brilliant writing. Wish I could at least start to capture my emotions the way you do. And yes we are on this unknown path decided by the sun, but don’t forget, you’ve got your friends with you along for the ride. Love you machi ❤️

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Blessed to have my brothers with me, always. Love you thambi💛

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your writing has so much depth. proud of you for sharing so openly, that takes courage <3 love ya

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love you too :’)

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I agree with everything you’re saying here and the question I have in response is do you feel that life has meaning? I’m more absurdist in my thought tbh, and it’s through similar reflection, feelings and ideas that the charge of “needing to survive” isn’t one that fills with me with joy but rather a perverted sense of responsibility.

I do see beauty every now and then and think okay there’s at least beauty, but there’s a hell of a lot more bullshit and that’s something I really wonder how most people cope with.

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Oh you’re absolutely right - that sense of ‘needing to survive’ is so burdensome sometimes. I’m like “on fuck, is this just an endless cycle of micro battles?” and it takes work to see even the positives as positives.

I think it’s only when you’re zoomed into the sun’s path, watching all the planets and emotions dip and bob, that life has meaning. You can SEE the meaning, in its movement and energy. But when you zoom out, it’s a flat line - and I assume that means we should feel things on a granular scale?

Idk if that helps me digest the whole thing, but maybe cope with the baby steps.

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This piece is gorgeous - prose, idea, structure, everything. So glad it read it today

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I appreciate and relate to the circular emotions and linear nature of time. "Re" is an important part of our cultural anthropology as humans. For me, "Returning or Going back is part of Going Forward". Returnment incites Reflection, Reconnection, Recreation of understanding of self and others...and time marches on while we feel our way through these cycles hopefully evolving with each turn. Thank you Rish!

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“going back is part of going forward” - I like that!

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